The Gershwin’s - Here to Stay
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
JoAnn R. Forrester
Empress of Biz Re-invent in Rugged Times
Saturday, June 23, 2012, I experienced the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra led by Marvin Hamlisch bring the music of Ira and George Gershwin ALIVE and transport me to their era where music was being created that spoke of the American energy, longings, struggles, dreams and achievement s of the 1920’s and 30’s
What an exciting night with pianist and performer Kevin Copeland. He weaves the story of the Gershwin’s and their era in pictures, song, dance and music. His piano playing and singing is magical and channels the Gershwin’s into life. His performance of Rhapsody in Blue was so exhilarating it brought a standing ovation at intermission.
Sylvia McNair, Granny Award winning songstress voice is superb and thrilled me as she sang the songs of the brothers. One word…magnificent!
Ryan Van Den Boom dancer extraordinaire reminded me of Fred Astaire and there is nothing better.
As usual Marvin Hamlisch added his shining touch to the evening and the musicians of the PSO responded with joy and excellence.
An unique touch was the exclusive home videos from the Gershwin family which gave insight to their era and lives. Rhapsody in Blue. A night of pure Gershwin, who could ask for anything more?
What a wonderful treat. was the music of the Gershwin’s, with the artistry of Hamlisch, Cole, McNair and Van Den Boom. We are so blessed to have this world class organization in Pittsburgh. I left the performance humming and filled with musical good spirits that still lingers on and keeps on dancing around in my head. Amazing what good music does for your soul!
“There was a plea that was sent out to match a challenge of $250,000. I invite all of you who love good music to rise to the occasion and make sure the challenge grant is met and exceeded.
What an exciting night with pianist and superb musician Kevin Copeland as he weaves the story of the Gershwin’s and their era in pictures, song dance and music. His piano playing and singing is magical and channels the Gershwin’s into life. His performance of Rhapsody in Blue was so exhilarating it brought a standing ovation at intermission.
Sylvia McNair, Granny Award winning songstress voice is superb and thrilled me as she sang the songs of the Gershwin brothers. One word…magnificent!
JoAnn Forrester is the Host of Empress of Biz, Reinvent in Rugged Times, a business Talkcast syndicated on PPLMag, Pittsburgh's First Internet Radio and TV Network. You can hear JoAnn at Business friends every Thursday at 9 AM on the TalkShoe network or archived later at: